14ft 1955? Aero Craft Q?

Date: 2023-07-24 00:27:42
City: Danby
State: NY
Status: forsale
Source: https://ithaca.craigslist.org/boa/d/ithaca-aero-craft-aluminum-hull-boat-14/7644185657.html

Aero Craft aluminum V-hull boat - 14 foot - $300 (Danby)
Not sure when this was made, 60's maybe, but it has really unique and beatiful lines. It would look beautiful restored but looks cool in its aluminum glory as well.

I bought it with a motor and was only after the mother as our vacation spot comes with the boat. So it's been in the yard for a couple of years. I did put it in the pond and it does not leak. It is 14 feet from tip to tip. Has a home-done plywood transom which seems recent and useable. It can hold 745 pounds and take up to a 25HP motor according to the plaque. It is missing one handle off the back and one of the aluminum seats has a gash in it. All in the photos.

Not sure what else to say that the pictures don't but ask away! If you see this ad, the boat IS still for sale so no need to ask.

Owners' copyrights apply to all images.

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