19ft 1972 AeroCraft York

Date: 2011-06-14 22:40:50
City: Des Moines
State: IA
Serial: WWYO1164
Status: forsale
Source: http://forums.iboats.com/showthread.php?t=479819

May 22nd, 2011 09:58 PM

1972 19' AeroCraft Help Formulating A Resto Plan

I bought this boat about a year ago with the non running 1970 115 Johnson and after getting an Evinrude 115 from my neighbor for the price of pulling it off his SIL's boat and disposing of the boat, I have a parts motor and have the Johnson running.
I know the transome is weak as it flexes in the middle when I bounce the motor. I think this is from the drain hole in the splash well and a bilge drain hole that was just drilled through and left bare wood w/ the exception of some silicone smeared in the hole. The floor has been redone at some point but has soft spots and the layer of FG is delaminating in the middle. The stringer I can feel through the cutout that a PO made for a bilge pump, Is still wet to the touch even though I've had it sitting covered since I got it. So all in all I know it basically needs gutted and redone.

Date: 2011-05-30 09:39
Source: http://forums.iboats.com/showthread.php?t=479819&p=3260840&viewfull=1#post3260840

May 30th, 2011 10:34 AM

Date: 2012-07-11 00:47:12

September 6th, 2010, 08:23 PM #1

I've been around boats since I was kid but up until now all I've owned is small aluminum tiller fishing boats. So of course when I brought home a new boat today I thought I knew how these worked so I didn't ask. Now that I'm home, threw a battery in it, and have fiddled with them I wish I had.

Finally (for now) if anyone knows much of anything about AeroCraft FG boats I be thankful, can't find a CG plate but did find a Water Wonderland build plate that shows model# YO and serial # 1164

What I do know is or at least what the title says is that its a 1972 (just like me) 18' AeroCraft, that started its life as an Indiana Police boat according to the PO.

Date: 2015-02-18 21:21:42
Source: http://desmoines.craigslist.org/boa/4897116432.html

Project boat - $750 (des moines)
I found a deal on a finished boat so I'm giving up on my project boat.

The boat is a 1972 Aerocraft York, the cap is off the hull, the transom wood has been replaced and glassed in place and about half of the inside of the hull is ground to fresh glass. I have two early 70's 120hp motors and controls for it (one Johnson one Evinrude) both ran and were fogged for storage two to three years ago when I started this project. The Johnson is complete and the Evinrude is missing the powerpack(I was keeping it as a parts motor) I have a trailer that will go with it but it's not the right trailer for the boat. The trailer has new hubs and tires.

The posted pictures are from before I started the demo to restore this boat. the red trailer is not the trailer that would come with the boat. There are more pictures of the boat as I progressed through the project that can be seen at photobucket.

If I don't have much interest in the next week for the entire package I will scrap the hull and sell the rest separately.

Email is the best way to get a hold of me if you have any questions or would like to come take a look at what all is here.

Owners' copyrights apply to all images.

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